Publications and Papers
The following is a list of the papers and publications I have been involved in.
R. E. Kiff, “Applications of an Agent-Based Approach to Automated Structure Design,” Oregon State University, 2016.
R. E. Kiff and M. I. Campbell, “An Agent-Based Approach to Synthesizing Structures,” in Volume 7: 27th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, 2015, p. V007T06A015.
K. Hunter-Zaworski, R. Kiff, and M. Shurland, “Validation of the Accessible Lavatory Recommendations for the Next Generation of Accessible Passenger Rail Cars,” in 2014 Joint Rail Conference, 2014, p. V001T02A005.
S. R. Immel, R. E. Kiff, J. L. Armstrong, and R. B. Stone, “A Physical Hand Tremor Simulator for Use With Inclusive Design Research,” in Volume 11: Systems, Design, and Complexity, 2014, p. V011T14A025.